Wednesday, June 23, 2010

We Have A Slab

We finally have our slab laied. It has been a while coming but its now down. Boris has been great. He let us work with him laying the pods. This saved him a bit of time and, most of all, saved us a little money. Below is the steps taken to lay our Waffle Pod Slab.

Saturday - 19th June

Last of Plumbing in

Screeding Complete & Compression Rod locations marked
Note the white paint on the form work

Sunday - 20th June

Termite & Moisture Barrier down

First lot of Pods & Steel -
You can see Boris pointing out all of our mistakes

Monday - 21st June

All Pods in Place

Time for the 600 odd chairs

Tuesday - 22nd June
Council Inspection - No real interesting photos this day!!!

Wednesday - 23rd June

The Pour

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Massive Delays

We have had a huge delay with all the wild weather down Bega way. We have had down pores and high winds. The worst thing about all the rain is that none of our down pipes were connected to the tank!!! Have held up the plumber & therefore is now holding up Boris with finishing our pre-slab work. We are hoping that the plumbing can get installed later in the week. All we can do is wait & see if this weather gives us a break.