Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just A Little Timber

Dad & I drove up to Newcastle today to pick up some timber we won off Ebay. Looks like a lot but this is only about a 1/4 of what we need. The good thing is we got it cheap & it was really good quality oregon timber. A bit of work to clean it up but that does not cost anything except our time.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Our Plans Are In!!!

Our plans are finally in to Bega Council. Mel & I drove down to Bega today to sort a few things out while also submitting our plans. Ken had dotted all the i's & crossed all the t's. We were quietly confident on our way home that our plans should be fine. When we walked the plans to council, that even the ladies lodging the development application, looked to see Kens name on the covering letter and said 'Oh Ken Gordon has done these plans, should be no worries at all'. Made us feel very happy. We also met with Leon Russel, to discuss further details of our land clearing. We also sorted our our shed details too. Everything is looking good and progressing well.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Our Final Plans Are Here

Our final plans are here. We have not really changed much from the last, just a few minor details, but we are ready to put them into council now. We can't wait. We are heading down to Bega next week, hopefully to submit them and also talk to our land clearer, Leon Russell. We can really picture living in this house, the layout & space really suits us as a family. If you have any comments we would really like to recieve them. Will let everyone know how it goes with council, this could be a long process but we have faith in Bega council and Ken Gordon, our drafts person. Fingers crossed it does not take to long.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Little Treasures

On the weekend, the kids & I went to help clean out my late Grandfathers house. This has been an on going thing for about the last 4 to 5 months now. Some people may have said he was a bit of a hoarder, but Mel & I say he was just saving a few things, for us, to help build our house. There has been alot of treasures found, including these cast iron lamp posts that Dad is wheeling up to the trailer. We have found bathroom sinks, tiles, mirrors, windows, pipe work, furniture & a fireplace. Some very old & beautiful items. Still no plans as yet, hopefully soon.